Leather jacket- All Saints /t-shirt- Monki /culottes- Primark /boots- All Saints /bag- Longchamp /pom pom keychain- Primark (still available in stores but similar here)

Remember my post on how to wear culottes? Here is the link to refresh your memory, well consider this as a part deux if you must. Since then I'd gotten my hands on these beeaaaautiful boots and jacket to style which go hand in hand with this holy grail staple. It can't just be me who thinks AW has hit us hard in October? Since moving down south for Uni, it's gotten a lot windier.. water is a bit groggy and I'm spending a lot more money on transport. I've been busy catching up on Uni work (yeah ALREADY), as well as spending my weekends exploring London whenever I can with my little new baby that is the Olympus pen. I'd love some recommendations of where to explore and eat next in London, if you'd like to see what I get up to then be sure to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat 'winnietang1'. Again, I post everything on Instagram and all those photos that don't make the cut end up on Snapchat! 

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