I'm very much in the mood to start writing a soppy post about life, my life, if you want to get down to business. I'm half writing this on the notes app on my phone on the train back from London to Manchester, there's always that warm wanderlust feeling that makes me proud to hop on and off trains and know I'm travelling from one familiar city to another. Times like these makes me think how could I have ever stayed in Manchester for uni? Although, don't get me wrong, it's one of the best darn cities I know. 

Train stations lie a billion and one stories, you've just crossed paths with strangers that may talk different, come from different cities and heck maybe even from around the world but in that very moment you're there and they're there.

So 2016 hasn't been the pinnacle of society's ideal year, it has even been tragic and unbearable at times but has it really been that bad? It's not even Christmas yet and I'm already banging on about the end is nigh and all that but 2016 HAS been an important year for me and it's not one I want to push aside and place in a 'FRAGILE' box in my mentality. 

I have grown (not physically since um last time I checked everything is still the same size.. yes I'm talking about you boobs), I have been hurt, I have had to watch someone close to me battle with a mental illness, I almost crossed paths with death, I have made new friends, departed from old and frankly become an attention seeking independent woman. There is nothing wrong with having high standards, what I've learned is that with high standards, I tend to pair it up with low expectations. This is the mindset I'm jumping into 2017 with, of course it might change a few months into the next year or maybe as soon as I publish this post or maybe I'm just naive but after a cascade of disappointments, I can't express how important it is to put yourself first. 

Coat, Archive by Alexa M&S/ jumper and fishnet tights, Primark in stores


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Top, American Eagle/ jeans, Boohoo/ boots, ASOS/ bag, Longchamp

These past few days has been such a delight, bloomin' 30 degrees in the UK! Not gonna lie, I was melting in these jeans but hell at least I looked good doing the whole secretly-sweating-but-not-showing-it thang.

I've been expanding my jeans collection, from the black skinny, by buying tons more embroidered and out there pieces such as the exhibit above. I also realised I have like no t-shirts that aren't 5 years old in my wardrobe, what the HECK? British weather has ultimately forced me into buying and collating masses of jumpers every year and so when I actually need a t-shirt, I have none. 

Side note: The drink I'm clutching is the iced caramel latte from Ezra and Gil.. it's so darn good. 


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Ohhhhh Cambridge what a beauty you are!

Cambridge has always been one of those places I'd been wanting to visit for a long time but just never did find the time to and I specifically wanted to go punting on the river Cam. Punting in Cambridge is like visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, it's an activity you just GOTTA do and experience, so with some great company and some prep words for sea sickness later... we did just that.

The punting tour started at Mill Lane, passed through the sites of 'the backs' of the colleges including Trinity college and under numerous bridges such as the Bridge of Sighs and the Mathematical bridge and finishes at quayside. I couldn't help but think I stumbled into Venice for a brief moment I was there, it was bloody cold but they were so kind to supply us with blankets and hot water bottles, how cute was that?! The university colleges were immensely overwhelming and beautiful to look at, the place was completely soaked in history and people whizzing through the cobbled roads on bikes. What I noticed was that the buildings tourists were photographing were the student accommodations, utter GOALS right?!



Skirt, Topshop (sold out online but still available in some stores!)/ jumper, Brandy Melville/ jacket, Allsaints/ boots, ASOS

Yes I am listening to Natasha Bedingfield while currently typing this spur of the moment blog post #throwback

So let's talk about this mustard midi skirt, it caught your eye right? Did you become that person scrolling past through the images just to get to the bottom to find out where it's from? After seeing sammi from Samanthamaria sporting this skirt of delight and a couple of people from Instagram, the question of 'should I get it?' changed to 'when do I get it?' 

If there was ever a piece of clothing that made me as self conscious as I am when crossing my legs because of the gaping big slit at the side but also feeling like I'm Beyoncé who just performed at the Super Bowl, it'd be this. 


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