Opened the plastic seal on my 60 x 80cm canvases
FaceTimed my boyfriend
FaceTimed my family
FaceTimed my friends
Ordered GBK on deliveroo
Posted on Instagram
Made an acai smoothie
Listened to Frank Sinatra in the morning
Bought fresh sourdough bread
Wore my new lime blazer
Ate on video with friends
Bought vegan cheese (and HATED it)
Placed my birthday cards on display
Washed the dishes
Drank water
Put some make up on
Made a banana and mango smoothie
Charged my phone
Cycled to Wholefoods
Walked to Hyde park
Bought peonies
Placed the peonies in a vase
Placed the peonies in a vase
Watched parasite
Blazer, topshop*/ bralette, les boys les girls*/ cycling shorts, H&M/ watch, WWW x larsson & jennings/ rings, MEJURI / socks, nike*